Find the perfect brew gear for your favourite brewing method. From the classical V60 and Chemex to the modern AeroPress and Hoop. Need a more stylish touch? Check out the colourful Origami drippers and combine the brewers with a wide range of kettles, scales, hand grinders or coffee servers.
Kuankuamos – Washed Arabica – Sierra Nevada – Colombia
Pris fra 200 kr
Golden Turmeric Latte
310 kr
Green Matcha Latte
310 kr
Italian Hot Chocolate
345 kr
Mexican Spiced Hot Chocolate
345 kr
Spiced Chai Latte
345 kr
Vanilla Chai Latte
345 kr
Mermug - Yellow
165 kr
Nordic Roasting Co Tote Bag
150 kr
Huskee genanvendelig termokop med låg - 236 ml - sort
Pris fra 119 kr
Keramisk Mercup
Pris fra 75 kr